Saturday, July 12, 2008

Ron and Lois Barndt - a dear couple from our church

Dearest Carolyn,

Our hearts are turned toward the Lord on your behalf as we ask Him to receive Jack into His loving presence where he will at last be at peace and joy, basking in the love of Jesus.

We, of course, pray for you, Courtenay, Jonathan and his wife, and all others who have been so devoted to Jack in caring for him and preparing him for his homegoing. You have seen God work in all of your lives, and are grateful for that, but the ache is still there until you are reunited with your beloved.

May you be borne up on angels' wings during this time, and may the strong arm of God also uphold you and guide you for the days to come.

We love you,
Ron and Lois

Domenica Condolences - our Bible Study partners who recently moved to England

I am sure that the people whose lives Jack has impacted are surrounding you with their love for you and him. Please accept ours...from a distance. All I can say is, "When is our next Bible Study....when we are all together?" I am sitting here in tears so looking forward to that day when the seven of us are sitting together studying I Cor. 15:51-58!

For all the saints, who from their labors rest,
Who Thee by faith before the world confessed,
Thy Name, O Jesus, be forever blessed.
Alleluia, Alleluia!

Thou wast their Rock, their Fortress and their Might;
Thou, Lord, their Captain in the well fought fight;
Thou, in the darkness drear, their one true Light.
Alleluia, Alleluia!

O blest communion, fellowship divine!
We feebly struggle, they in glory shine;
All are one in Thee, for all are Thine.
Alleluia, Alleluia!

And when the strife is fierce, the warfare long,
Steals on the ear the distant triumph song,
And hearts are brave, again, and arms are strong.
Alleluia, Alleluia!

The golden evening brightens in the west;
Soon, soon to faithful warriors comes their rest;
Sweet is the calm of paradise the blessed.
Alleluia, Alleluia!

But lo! there breaks a yet more glorious day;
The saints triumphant rise in bright array;
The King of glory passes on His way.
Alleluia, Alleluia!

From earth’s wide bounds, from ocean’s farthest coast,
Through gates of pearl streams in the countless host,
And singing to Father, Son and Holy Ghost:
Alleluia, Alleluia!

Bob and Jane Cohen - MIT Chemical Engineering Dept Professor and wife

Dear Carolyn-
We are so sad and so sorry to hear that Jack has passed on.
You were in a dream I had last night.
We are thinking of you and Jack.
As your niece so beautifully put it, he won the race and he has the prize.
With deepest sympathy and much love-
Jane and Bob

Condolence from Howard Palmer, Professor at Penn State University

Dear Carolyn and family,

Phil Westmoreland sent the news to many of Jack's friends and colleagues,
and I just want to say to you that you and Jack have been an inspiration. I have
learned a lot from you, as I deal daily with the very slow process of deterioration
in my dear wife (combination of Alzheimer's and little strokes). I have been
touched to read your updates from time to time and see the remarkable spirit
that you and Jack have displayed. Thank you and Jack for that gift to us.

Jack was indeed a special person. That was evident from the moment he
first enrolled here as a graduate student. Everything that he has done in
research has been characterized by creativity, integrity, depth of investigation,
modesty, and an obvious delight in discovery. It has all been first class.
I have followed---and been in touch---with his career over the years with much
pleasure and some pride, and I am very sorry that he is gone.

God be with you now and in the days to come.
Howard Palmer

Howard Palmer was one of Jack's professors when he attended Penn State.

Anthony Dean - Colleague from Colorado College of Mines and Engineering


Linda and I were so sorry to hear about Jack's passing. Our prayers are with you and your family. We have fond memories of your visit to Golden several years ago and of course I many good memories of associating with Jack over the years. He was indeed a gentleman and a scholar. We will all miss him greatly.

Best Regards,

Condolence from Sergio Trindade

Dear Carolyn,

We are saddened to learn of Jack's passing and wanted to offer your and your Family our prayers and solidarity in this difficult moment.We are at your disposal for whatever is necessary. He will be sorely missed and remembered in our prayers..

Warms feelings,Helena and Sergio C. Trindade
1A Dickel Road
Scarsdale, NY 10583 USA

Condolences from Salim Senkin

Dear Carolyn:

It was with great sadness that I learned of Jack's passing. I cannot imagine how it feels to lose a life-long husband and friend. But I can imagine it must be painful. Nevertheless, his suffering is over. I send to you and to your family my condolances on the loss of this wonderful man, whom I had the priviledge of knowing.

God bless you all.


Selim Senkan

PS: I am presently in Istanbul, Turkey attending my 87 year old mother who is not feeling well. Consequently, I will not be able to make the memorial services. However, my thoughts and prayers will be with you.

Condolences from Benno and Ursula Wersborg, our German friends

Dear Carolyn , dear Courtenay, dear Jonathan, and dear Megan,
We have never felt the language barrier more profoundly than in this moment, when we want to express our thoughts and feelings.
We are so very sorry and in great pain to read about Jack`s death. Though expected it is the certainty which leaves us with deep sorrow.
We will miss him deeply. For the rest of our life he will have a very special place in our hearts.
Through the blog we know that Jack was surrounded by his beloved family, who supported him in the best possible way, and that he had a peaceful transition. We are sure he is in the arms of his beloved Savior, our Lord Jesus Christ, now.
We pray for Jack and you all. Our thoughts are with you.
Üsche-Ursula and Benno

Email from Anish Goel - a former student of Jack's who lives in the Washington DC area now

Dear Mrs. Howard, Courtenay, and Jonathan,

You may not remember me but I was one of Professor Howard's last students at MIT - having graduated in the spring of 2002 with a PhD that he so deftly steered me towards. I am extremely saddened to hear about Professor Howard's passing on Monday. Please allow me to offer my deepest sympathy and condolences (and those of my family - who also thought the world of him) to all of you.

Ican't imagine how difficult this time must be but I hope that happy memories of Professor Howard are seeing you through. Although I had not seen Professor Howard in a few years now, I thought about him often. To this day, I still thank Professor Howard for the incredible experience he gave me at MIT. The principles of dedication, deceny, and integrity that he embodied are ones that I try to emulate every day - though I fall far short of his legendary example. I didn't fully realize it when I graduated, but he really did teach me how to be successful in almost any pursuit - and what it really means to be successful. Perhaps no one outside my own family has had more of an influence on me than Professor Howard. Throughout my four years under his tutelage, not once did I ever see him angry or upset, and not once did he ever fail to support me in anyway -even when I made monumental mistakes (such as breaking a piece of lab equipment that cost over $15, was an accident, I swear). He was nothing but kind and helpful, while encouraging and firm at the same time. I once described him as a wise Jedi master - an analogy, which, if a bit crude, I think is wonderfully appropriate. His calm and cool demeanor defined the walking authority that allowed him stay above the normal fray of the profession he spent so much time in. I am hoping very much to attend the memorial service on Wednesday but forces beyond my control may conspire against me. If I am unable to attend, please accept my deepest apologies and regrets. Even if I am not there in person, I will be thinking of him fondly.
Warm regards,
Anish Goel

UPDATES on Services, July 12, 2008

July 12, 2008

We have been extremely busy with the final details of Jack’s Memorial Service for July 16, 2008 at 10:30 AM at Park St. Church in downtown Boston across the street from the Boston Common and the Park St. Station “T” stop (Redline for those from out of town).
Following the service, we will walk to 60 State Street (before the Quincy Market area) for a reception and light lunch in The State Room (Boston University Alumni Club). It is on the 33rd Floor in Harborside 4 section of the Club. The reception is slated for 12:00-2:00 PM. Afterwards, if anyone would like to come back to our home, they are most welcomed. Our address is 24 Central St.; Winchester, MA 01890.

For our Kentucky family and friends, the Memorial service In KY for Jack will be held on Friday, September 12, 2008 at 1:00 PM at Rock Bridge Baptist Church where Jack’s family attended for many years. There will be a reception following this service but the details are not complete at this time. The date of the service will coincide with the “Branstetter” Family Reunion weekend at the Branstetter Park that Jack and I attended 2 years ago. I know many of you come from far to attend this fun day and that you have shared so closely with us this difficult journey. We wanted you to have the opportunity to be with us as we celebrate Jack’s life and the many gifts that our gracious Lord bestowed upon him and us.

Words do not express the love and gratitude we feel that each of you have expressed toward our Jack and us. He said it best: “Not many people have the opportunity to see this much beauty and majesty in their lives. I am very content. My cup runneth over”.

In lieu of flowers, we are requesting contributions can be made to the following:

Jack B. Howard Memorial Fund
MIT In-Patient Services % Kathleen Dwyer
MIT Medical Department E23
77 Massachusetts Ave.; Cambridge, MA 02139

Jack B. Howard Memorial Fund
Department of Chemical Engineering Blg. 66
% Professor Klavs Jensen
77 Massachusetts Ave.; Cambridge, MA 02139

University of Kentucky
College of Engineering %Dean Lester
251 Ralph G. Anderson Building
Lexington, KY 40506

Park Street Church
The Missionary Program
1 Park Street; Boston, MA 02108

Carolyn and family