Wednesday, February 6, 2008

UPDATE February 6, 2008

February 6, 2008

We are most joyful today. The Lord works in wonderful and mysterious ways. All of you know that our hope and prayer has been that Jack might become strong enough to come home. He hasn’t been home since November 14, 2007 due to all of the issues that have been previously described. We had been contemplating his homecoming. He has made an amazing rebound in his walking with assistance as well as his endurance since he was discharged last week from Lahey Clinic.

As you know, we face many challenges. We never know from where they will come. The challenge this week was in Lexington Healthcare Center, the rehabilitation facility where Jack has been off and on since December. The Center had a sewage pipe break in Jack’s wing. All residents had to be transferred to another part of the Center. There are public health rules that have to be followed in an environment like this one. Jack had been in a private room. When he was transferred, he was put in a room with another lovely man, Sal. There is one problem with Sal, he is being treated for pneumonia. We have been assured that he is not contagious. Also, Jack has had the pneumonia vaccine. None the less, there is much coughing.

We were advised yesterday that if the pipe break was not resolved by today that the residents who had been in Jack’s wing would be transferred to another facility. The children and I went into high gear. I cancelled appointments at work. Jonathan has this week off from work – another amazing, gracious, and providential work of our Lord. Unless there is a glitch in hospital bed delivery as well as the other equipment that will be delivered today, Jack may sleep at home tonight. We are most thankful that he is able to come home as well as the providence of the Lord in that sewage pipe speeding up the process.

Last evening, we visited many of our friends that we have made in the Center. Remember Ann. When we told her Jack was leaving, she immediately wanted to know if we were having a party. I told her that we would celebrate at home with her there in spirit. It is very touching to see Jack’s emotional side as he tearfully squeezed Ann’s hand in a goodbye. We promised to stay in touch with her by phone and cards. Jack then wanted to walk to the nurse’s station and hug the nurses who have so faithfully cared for him in all ways. He has told everyone that the hard part of leaving was saying goodbye to those who have so graciously cared for him. We are thankful for the many caregivers who have such hard work at very low pay with little gratitude. We encourage all of you as well as us to remember to pray for these faithful hands wherever they may be.

Jack’s personal nurse’s assistant, Rita, decided to go back to school to study mechanical engineering at Northeastern (we wish her much success – Jack told her he would be happy to tutor her if she needed any help). The agency that provides our services has found another wonderful lady, Annette, another providential care of our Lord. Annette is able to live with us which will provide excellent continuity for us. We will have to give her time off each week but we hope to use another excellent care provider that we met at the Center. I connected William and the agency and he passed all of the reviews. Another important thing that I have learned in this journey is that if anyone ever needs care, it is important to work through an approved agency. If there are issues with the provider, the agency handles them. If you need replacements, they do the work. They have thoroughly examined backgrounds and credentials for these individuals.

As we celebrate our prayers as well as the legions of prayers going up around the world for us and Jack being answered, it brings to mind the hymn, “A Mighty Fortress is our God”. This hymn was penned using Psalm 46 as the inspiration. I will quote from several of the verses.
Vs. 1 – “God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble.
Vs. 2 - Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea,
Vs. 3 - though the waters roar and foam (literally this week) and the mountains quake with their surging,
Vs. 4 – There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the most High dwells.
Vs. 7 – The Lord Almighy is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.
Vs.10 – Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.
Vs.11 – The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.”
By God’s wonderful and marvelous grace, we can proclaim this Psalm.

Stay tuned as our Jack returns home. We are encouraged and excited for him and us.
Please continue to pray for us as the Lord leads.

Carolyn and family