Saturday, September 1, 2007


Good morning everyone:

As Jack and I were getting ready for bed last evening around 11 PM after an intense, exhausting day, I observed a twinkle in his eye and a smile on his face. One of the joys of a long marriage, you learn that even the facial changes have meaning. Jack has always had a keen sense of humor and teasing which is what I thought when I observed this twinkle and smile. I said, OK what are your thoughts? With a big smile, he said, I feel so content. He said Jonathan had sat on the porch and talked to him a long time last evening while I was updating Jack's email. He said Courtenay had given him a letter that she wrote him. He said "My cup runneth over"! What a marvelous comfort to see such amazing grace and peace. I pray that the Lord will provide us with this same indwelling of His spirit as the new day begins.

Jack was very sweet the other day. "He said how much can Carolyn do? How much can you ask her to do?" Please pray that the adrenaline will keep flowing but mostly that the Lord will continue to bring me strength, patience, and great love but mostly the ability to be an honor to our Almighty God.

Have a wonderful day - another beautiful day in the neighborhood.

I forgot to thank Dana, one of my staff, for her delicious dessert on Friday and Lynne, a MD friend of ours, who sent a proprietary supplemental for Jack. We were also blessed with another delicious meal from our dear neighbors, Judy and Josh who are like family to us.

Thank you seems so insufficient but it is what we have for language.

Blessings to all of you,

Jack Update

Hello everyone:

We had a wonderful day today. Many thanks to the visits from Jack's company's CEO and one of the board members along with their lovely wives. We had pie and iced tea and enjoyed the comforts of our lovely back porch as we laughed and talked and shared. In our hasty busy lives, it is wonderful that some things stop us, help us to take pause and share "smelling the roses".

I want to share another thing about Jack and me. When we first married, Jack had this illusion that I would make him breakfast each morning. I think I did for one day within the first couple of weeks we were married. I told him that he got serious when he decided he wanted me to make his breakfast which I have done gladly since he returned from the hospital. I really think Jack is enjoying the added pampering - I am enjoying pampering him a little.

Jack was up, showered, and dressed this morning before I even knew he was up. He is adapting very easily to these changes. I am sure it is that engineering mind that he has. He is cautiously climbing and descending our stairs. He also gained some additional functional use of his left hand. The neuromuscular massage therapist said it would take about 6 more sessions working with him weekly.

Instead of continuing to do emails, Jonathan is creating a blog - we will be posting regular updates on the blog. I will send how to access it when it is established which is suppose to be tomorrow.

Thanks to Lee and Paul for the delicious barbeque and other goodies. It was most appreciated.

Have a wonderful labor day weekend. May the Lord bless and keep you all the days of your lives.