Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Letter from Sergio Trindade

Dear Carolyn,

Helena and I learned today about Jack's illness.

Jack was my PhD thesis advisor during 1970-73! I enjoyed and benefited a lot from interacting with Jack during those years. I returned to Brazil in 1973 and then responding to an invitation from the United Nations came back to the US in 1986 to be the Assistant Secretary-General lfor Science and Technology. Even though I was based in New York, I have had limited opportunities to visit Boston. After leaving the UN I remained in New York, where I still reside.

But, when time came for the farewell event for Jack, Helena and I decided we would not miss the opportunity to visit with you and Jack. The Fine Arts party was awsome. The following day we took advantage of your generous hospitality and joined others to celebrate Jack at your home for lunch.

Helena and I have Jack, you and the Family in our prayers wishing Jack the best outcome.


Helena and Sergio C. Trindade

Letter from Rich Shandross

Dear Jack, Carolyn, Courtenay, Jonathan, and Megan,

You can bet that I'm offering to God all the prayers you are asking for, plus the ones you forgot to ask for - and then some!

I wish you all healing, strength, love, courage, and laughter.

It's in times like these that one feels so frustrated to be unable to write that equation, create that model, design that experiment, brainstorm that invention, find those words, or channel all the wishes and love and energy so that they can 'fix' the physical ailments - and right now! That is why your blog is so meaningful and inspirational and helpful: among all the things that it means to be human, it also means to accept that we are limited, and when we can that we are open to seeing the other wonderful and oh-so-important things that can happen - and are clearly happening for you.


You are my mentor, "big brother," caring and wise "uncle," and a true and forever friend. Every time we sat down in your office at MIT and touched base with each other was for me a trip to the proverbial front porch, where time was often suspended and we could share our love of science and engineering, our families, how nutty the world seems at times, and a variety of challenges, big and small, that came our way. Maybe I stayed for nine years because subconciously I didn't want to stop having those great times together. :-) What sanity! I really enjoyed and appreciate how you lent your time and yourself to me, despite the pressures and demands of being no less than a senior, prodigious, and in-demand MIT professor.

People tell me that I'm a great technical and business writer. Well, that's because of you. Working with you on papers and reports, and getting your feedback on my thesis writing, was an eye-opening education in how to express myself clearly, unambiguously, and in a way that the reader can appreciate and enjoy. It's a ticket to excellence and to standing out in the greater world, and I can't thank you enough for that.

Equally, you have taught me so much about how to frame and solve problems, and how to pierce through confusion to the essence of a matter. You showed me what it truly means to be an engineer and a scientist.

Whether you realize it or not, you've also taught me what it means to be gracious and honorable and generous (...would that I always followed your example...;-) ), in what I can only imagine - being a Northerner - to be the "Southern gentlemanly" way. I remember the first days of your Kinetics class, first year of graduate school, and how "quirky" I found your humility, openness, and honesty. I quickly came to appreciate that what was happening is that you were showing respect for us students - imagine that! - and later saw how much respect you show everyone, always, and what an empowering thing that is for the people receiving that respect - not the least including me. You showed me by example how powerful, meaningful, and important it is to live as a beloved child of a loving and generous God.

If there is anything at all that I can do to help you and your family in this trying and challenging time, please do not hesitate to ask. It would be my joy and my honor to be able to do so, to share in your challenge as you have always shared in mine.

With lots of love and respect,


P.S. May I offer some Jewish prayers for health and strength that have helped me in times of need? -

A Prayer
May the Source of strength
Who blessed the ones before us
Help us find the courage
To make our lives a blessing,
And let us say: Amen.

Bless those in need of healing
With refuah shleima:
The renewal of body,
The renewal of spirit,
And let us say: Amen

I gratefully thank You, O living and eternal King, for You have returned my soul within me with compassion—abundant is Your faithfulness!
Prayer for the body
Blessed are You, our Eternal God, Creator of the Universe, who has made our bodies in wisdom, creating openings, arteries, glands, and organs marvelous in structure, intricate in design. Wondrous Fashioner and Sustainer of life, Source of our health and our strength, we give you thanks and praise.

Prayer for the soul
My God, the soul which You have placed within me is pure. You have created it, You will one day take it from me and restore it to me in time to come. So long as my soul is within me, I make acknowledgment before You, my God and God of all generations. Blessed are you, God who restores my soul each day that I may once again awaken.

Mi Sheberach
May the One who blessed our ancestors, Sarah and Abraham, Rebecca and Isaac, Leah, Rachel and Jacob bless Jack Howard, along with all of the ill among us. Grant insight to those who bring healing, courage and faith to those who are sick, love and strength to us and to all who love them. God, let your spirit rest upon all who are ill and comfort them. May they and we soon know a time of complete healing, a healing of the body and a healing of the spirit and let us say: Amen.