Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Letter from Sergio Trindade

Dear Carolyn,

Helena and I learned today about Jack's illness.

Jack was my PhD thesis advisor during 1970-73! I enjoyed and benefited a lot from interacting with Jack during those years. I returned to Brazil in 1973 and then responding to an invitation from the United Nations came back to the US in 1986 to be the Assistant Secretary-General lfor Science and Technology. Even though I was based in New York, I have had limited opportunities to visit Boston. After leaving the UN I remained in New York, where I still reside.

But, when time came for the farewell event for Jack, Helena and I decided we would not miss the opportunity to visit with you and Jack. The Fine Arts party was awsome. The following day we took advantage of your generous hospitality and joined others to celebrate Jack at your home for lunch.

Helena and I have Jack, you and the Family in our prayers wishing Jack the best outcome.


Helena and Sergio C. Trindade

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