Friday, November 16, 2007

Letter from Mohammad Hajaligol, former student and colleague

October 10, 2007

Dear Jack,

Hope you, Carolyn, and other family members are fine and are strongly coping with the current very tiring situation. Reading the information in your blog shows me once again your response to this situation is so admirable; representative of a great values in life something that you have been the symbol of throughout your life. You continue to be a model for me in my life, for which I shall be forever grateful.

I don’t know where to start and how to express my feelings as sometimes words are not sufficient. Though I have known you almost for 30 years and have seen you time and again, I don’t know why I’ve waited so long to express myself. Maybe, like so often, we take important parts of our lives for granted. You are a loving, caring, and wonderful human-being. You’ve touched and affected many individuals’ lives. You have been the source of inspiration and aspiration for many who have had the good fortune -- or perhaps even the wisdom -- to work with and learn from you, to have been taught and mentored by you. In fact you are all of these and more; you are more than one could ever hope for in a friend, teacher and colleague. With no doubt in my mind I can say that you’ve had the greatest impact in my life in this country.

My experience with my first PhD thesis was a disaster. So, I started to look for another research and another professor. I had learned that I needed to look for a thesis supervisor that not only is scientifically well recognized but had a strong personality and above all a caring human being. With these and many more in my mind, you were the only one that could meet all these and more, so I made an appointment with you and discuss my interest in your research area in the very early part of year 1978. Unlike many others, you were so generous and accepted me as one of you PhD student without giving me any hard time.

One year passed with not much progress. I was about 25 years old student, full of energy but my mind was in so many directions. During the spring of 1979 and knowing what’s happening with me, one day you asked me, when do I want to become serious in doing my research work to finish my degree. I thought for a few moments and replied I would like to take a trip to my home country this summer, if I come back I will finish it; and if I don’t come back, well, then I am done. You smiled and very patiently said that is fine; you knew me and you let me to freely choose my way. I have never forgotten this moment in my life.
I came back to Cambridge that summer and finished my degree by late 1980. Though you offered that I could stay for a postdoc program, instead I decided to go back to my home country right after my thesis defense; I didn’t even stay for graduation ceremonies.

I stayed in Iran for over four years and it was early 1985. I was feeling very tired in my life both personally and professionally and was looking for a change. I sent you a letter, explained my situation, and asked for an invitation. You graciously helped me in coming back to MIT for a short sabbatical. With a lot you did for me, I could get a visa and come back again to MIT. Two months passed and I decided to stay longer but didn’t feel comfortable to come to you and ask again for your help, so without letting you know started looking for a job even if it was a postdoc job, 5 years after my graduation. A few places contacted you and that was how you found out about my intention. You didn’t get upset, and instead one day, you told me that you know I am looking for a job and suggested I can stay and work with your group; though the pay is not big, but MIT has a big name! So, you helped me again to hang on to a professional life, to grow, to have space to mature, and then, to move on.

A few years passed, I was still working at MIT and looking for a permanent job and I was getting so desperate that I was ready to leave everything behind once again and go back to Iran. It was in the fall of 1987 when with your recommendation a good school decided to seriously look at my job application. I will never forget the day in early December 1987 that for some reason I was late; when I arrived in my office, there was a message from you. You had also asked so many if they see me ask me to come to your office. When I finally met you in your office on the 4th floor of building 66 at around 11:00AM, you said this company that is called Philip Morris is looking for a scientist that matches your qualifications. I didn’t know what type of company Philip Morris is and you explained me that though you know my aspiration is for academia but industry is another experience. With your recommendation and Adel's, in a few days I had a job offer from Philip Morris. This was shocking and didn’t know how to explain this in my life. This was another critical point in my life, especially for staying in this country and becoming successful and prosperous.

My life changed again, forever, for the positive.

I have been successful and happy with my career at Philip Morris; and of course there are many challenges when one starts a new career. And, it took about 10 years for the company to finally assign me to a position that you had taught me during my PhD program. I started the combustion research program at Philip Morris in 1998 and you again became a major source of inspiration, energy, and scientific initiative for me and my group.

It is now many years later. I am so happily married to a wonderful woman. I have so many wonderful friends whom I treasure. I have exceeded my own expectations in my profession.

This does not happen to every body so simply, for me it is very simple; my life and my successes in this country would not have been possible without you. You are my mentor and my hero, and while it may sound selfish but pray and like you stay around very long.

With many prayers and kindest regards,