Dear Carolyn,
Ingo sent me the link to your blog last week and ever since that I've been following very compassionately what is going on in your lives. Thank you so much for allowing us all to take part and to be so close to you in these difficult times. I am writing to tell you and Jack that you are always on my mind and that I would do anything to make things go easier for you.
Tomorrow I'll be taking my hopefully last written exam and if that works out (please keep your fingers crossed and wish me the best of luck - I'm so nervous), I can start my diploma thesis at the beginning of 2008... I'll try and see if I can find a research group at either Harvard or MIT for my thesis, so that I can come by from time to time and support you with some real hugs. It would mean a lot to me to be there for you.
I've a photo attached from that wonderful evening we spent with you more than to years ago shortly after we'd first met. It still makes me smile to remember how you and Ingo were in the kitchen while Jack and I sat on the porch, talking about carbon nanotubes and laser cooling. Courtenay tried to jump in but finally gave up an returned to you: "They're talking about science."
Please give my best regards to Jack, Courtenay, Jonathan and Megan.
I really hope to see you again soon and wish you all the best and all the strength you need for the time being.