Friday, May 2, 2008

UPDATE May 2, 2008

May 2, 2008

The Lord continues to provide Jack with improving strength and healing. We have continued with a routine of activity for him and with him. His typical week is getting outside as much as possible in this glorious Spring we are having. He goes to People Fit two to three times/week as well as a weekly visit to Nano-C, the company that he founded a few years ago. What has been encouraging to all of us is that his stamina is slowly increasing. This week he was at Nano-C for a couple of hours instead of ½ hour.

Life continues to present challenges and struggles as well for Jack. As he has gained more strength from his physical training at People Fit, he has also gained more confidence in his ability to walk and go where he wants to be in the house more independently. As you might guess, he has taken some tumbles. What has been amazing is his ability to get himself upright with much less assistance. If he goes down, he usually ends up flat on the floor. He can now sit up without assistance. Once he sits up, he then needs an anchor to hold to as he pulls himself upright. Needless to say, I am not that physical anchor but my sister, Suzanne, who was here for about a month could do that as well as Annette, Jack’s caregiver. As we keep reminding him, the goal is to really be as careful as possible but sometimes that is not good enough. It is difficult to imagine but if any of you run out of things to do and want to understand better what Jack’s experience is, get flat on the floor and try to get up using only one side of your body. I cannot do it. Thankfully, all of those years on the farm growing up coupled with lots of walking, hiking, etc, Jack is very strong. I believe it adds to his mental determination as well. Keep praying that the Lord will continue to equip him and us with all that we need and ask for in Christ. When we are the Lord’s, he graciously teaches us submission even if He places us on the floor. He slowly brings us up to see Him. It reminds me of the verse in Psalm 37:23-25 that states: “If the Lord delights in a man’s way, he makes his steps firm; though he stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with His hand. I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging for bread.” Jack may physically stumble and fall but the Lord continues to uphold Jack and bring him back to his feet. We are most grateful for the smallest provisions. We never feel forsaken.

My trip away was very restful. My sister-in-law, Jan Butler, and I had a delightful time. My trip to California was very refreshing as well. I had a meeting to attend. I see old friends and new people. It was a great encouragement to me. I met a new person, Jim Potts.. When a friend and I were having dinner on Sunday evening, Jim came along. My friend, Karen Easterling, said she wanted to know all about how things were going and what my day was like at home. I explained to Jim our situation. He immediately said, do not believe anything the doctors tell you about his prognosis. He said 21 years ago, I was diagnosed with a lymph gland cancer. I was given 2 months to live. Here I am to tell about it after more than 2 decades. Others came to me and told me that they would be praying for us. I also had lunch with Megan’s parents. It is always such a pleasure to see them and catch up and share our children’s stories. Megan’s Dad is coming this weekend to visit with Jonathan and Megan.

I leave tomorrow for the last travel event that has been planned. I am attending a conference in New Orleans next week. This trip has been planned for a year. It is one that Jack and I had looked forward to attend. Since he is unable to go, Jack’s sister is going with me. I have found that it is best if I am with others that are part of our extended family. Myra, Jack’s sister, went to graduate school at Tulane so it should be fun for her as well. It will be most interesting to see New Orleans post Katrina. I will give you a full report upon my return. Jack says New Orleans will never be the same when Myra and I have been there!

I want to give a very special thank you to my sister, Suzanne, who was with us almost a month to help Jack while I was more out than in. It gave both of us much peace of mind knowing family was around. Suzanne really helped Jack get files organized. Jack’s organization was a huge asset of his until he became ill. It is one of his most difficult tasks now. Suzanne and Jack organize mentally in very similar ways, so Jack is very excited about this order of his papers. I also want to thank Jack’s brother, Keith, who is coming this weekend for several days while I am in New Orleans. Also, a big thank you to Paula, Keith’s wife, who is willing to share him right now. Keith and Paula are completing the building of a new home. I am sure that as the end approaches, life is very hectic for them.

Thank you to all of you who continue to hold us up in your prayers and thoughts. I thought I better update the blog since I am getting calls and emails from several people wondering what is going on. Please remember our parents. Jack’s Mom has been moved to a nursing home now near Jack’s two sisters in Lexington, KY. My Dad is experiencing more difficulty with his Parkinson’s coupled with congestive heart problems. Getting old is not for sissies!!!

Happy Mother’s Day to all of us who have been blessed to be called Mom.

May the Lord bless and keep you in the shadow of His wings for His glory and our good.

Carolyn and family