Saturday, July 12, 2008

Condolence from Howard Palmer, Professor at Penn State University

Dear Carolyn and family,

Phil Westmoreland sent the news to many of Jack's friends and colleagues,
and I just want to say to you that you and Jack have been an inspiration. I have
learned a lot from you, as I deal daily with the very slow process of deterioration
in my dear wife (combination of Alzheimer's and little strokes). I have been
touched to read your updates from time to time and see the remarkable spirit
that you and Jack have displayed. Thank you and Jack for that gift to us.

Jack was indeed a special person. That was evident from the moment he
first enrolled here as a graduate student. Everything that he has done in
research has been characterized by creativity, integrity, depth of investigation,
modesty, and an obvious delight in discovery. It has all been first class.
I have followed---and been in touch---with his career over the years with much
pleasure and some pride, and I am very sorry that he is gone.

God be with you now and in the days to come.
Howard Palmer

Howard Palmer was one of Jack's professors when he attended Penn State.

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