Saturday, April 5, 2008

Email from a MIT colleague of Jack's - Linda Griffith

Dear Carolyn,
I last wrote on Sept 3, when I was still very sedated and recovering from surgery I had on Aug 31. I had gone in that morning with a tentative diagnosis of ovarian cancer, and come home with the boring but welcome/annoying news it was recurrence of endometriosis (but extensive enough that I had to stay home much of the fall term, it is hard to bounce back when you get past 45...).This weekend was the first time I read the Howard family blog and learned the entire timeline, and that Aug 31 was such a fateful day for you and Jack.I cried through the whole blog. Doug and I have been thinking of you often and praying for you and Jack, and I wrote you a card this weekend, finally. What I am writing to say now is how vivid your voice comes through on the blog - an amazing indomitable force for faith in God. I had a tough fall/winter, absorbed in digging out of my own despairs. Finding your beautiful writings of hope and faith jolted me to another level of my connection to God. You are an amazing writer (and person).I am very happy to hear Jack is out at NanoC a bit, and hope to visit soon for just bit to bring some spring flowers or something out your way, even if it is when you are away recharging your batteries.
Affectionately yours,Linda-- Linda G. Griffith
S.E.T.I. Professor of Biological and Mechanical EngineeringDirector, Biotech/Pharma Engineering CenterMIT 16-42977 Massachusetts Ave.Cambridge, MA 02139617-253-0013fax 617-253-2400

I want to thank Linda and Doug for their faithful prayers for us. We also received a beautiful and encouraging card from Linda this week that expresses beautifully Jack's impact professionally and spiritually on her life.
As I have said to Jack, some people live as the Lord has enabled them to proclaim Him in their life's example and others proclaim it through words. By God's grace, our prayer is that as a team we have been gifted with both - as Jack has said, "I am the subject and you (Carolyn) are the voice". I can only thank our Lord and pray that He alone is exalted in our feeble ways. Our mighty God works in many and mysterious ways.


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