Saturday, August 25, 2007


Hello everyone:

I spent most of the afternoon with Jack. He looked a 100% better today, Much more facial function than yesterday; both sides of his face work when he smiles that dynamic smile of his. That was encouraging to me. His left hand is still not working very well. Physical therapy is working with him on that as well as his walking. Tomorrow I will be going in and learning some strategies for being at home with him. He does not have left side spatial orientation so he will be prone to bump into things. The physical therapist said that he will need someone to stand to his left everytime he is walking so he won't bump into things. It will take time for his brain to relearn this function. We are not sure when he will come home. I was told that someone will need to be with him at all times. For now, Courtenay and I will use our flexible work schedules to fill this role. We were told that it will take about 1-2 weeks for him to return to pre biopsy conditions. Physcial therapists will visit our home and help him and us adapt.

One thing they started today is an anti-inflamatory drug to reduce the brain swelling which they hope will help his left hand.

The more grim news is that the neurologist met with Jack and me this afternoon with the preliminary biopsy results - the complete results will not be in for 1-2 weeks. Here is what the Dr. said: it is definitely a tumor and not an infection; it has probably been growing for several months to a year; these kinds of tumors often become symptomatic with a fall or another head trauma; there is inflamation around the tumor; the tumor is located 2.5 cm (about 1-1.5 inches) below the skull deep within the brain cavity. We saw a picture of it and as I said, it is about the size of small egg and actually shaped a little like an egg. They cannot tell if it has tenicles or not; they think it is fairly aggressive; they are not sure it is operable; they will not determine the treatment protocol until all of the results are in but when they are in; they want to begin treatment immediately as soon as the pathology report is complete. It is inconclusive as to whether it is malignant or not; they are leaning toward malignancy.

I asked the Dr. what the success rate on these kinds of tumors is; he said they vary from person to person; they have some patients who don't respond to treatment and others who respond very well and live many years. One thing they know is what different drugs do - one is to cut the blood supply off of the tumor (tumors need a massive amt of blood); other treatments actually shrink the tumors relieving the symptoms. We will know more with the report as to how they will proceed.

We are so thankful for the care and support of all of our friends and family and our gracious Lord. We are so grateful for the care of the medical teams. I did find out today that his neurologist chief is world reknown and is highly respected; Jack really likes him; he is from India and his name is Dr. Venna.

Please continue to pray that no matter what is in store that we will be submitted to the will and hand of the Lord; pray that the Lord will use this experience to bring honor and glory to Himself; pray that His grace will be demonstrated in us, and that our Lord will continue to supply us with the peace that passes all understanding. There is great blessing in this trial for which I am thankful. We anticipate and look forward to seeing the Lord at work.

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