Hello Everyone:
Today is the first day of the rest of our lives. I must quote from Psalm 90:12-17 because this message was what permeated my mind today as we heard the pathology; especially Psalm 90:12.
"Teach me to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.
Relent, O Lord, How long will it be?
Have compassion on your servants.
Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love,
that we may sing for joy and be glad in all our days.
Make us glad for as many days as you have afflicted us,
for as many years we have seen trouble.
May your deeds be shown to your servants,
your splendor to their children.
May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us;
establish the work of our hands for us-
yes, establish the work of our hands."
The Lord has clearly demonstrated that He has established the work of Jack's hands. I commented to our children and the Drs. today that if we had accomplished half of what Jack has accomplished in his life, this world would be a better place. Jack has touch so many people in his life that it is unimaginable. Most of you know that scientifically, he has been recognized around the world. The country of France recognized him with an honorary doctors degree several years ago as did the Colorado College of Mines in the US. I could write pages of Jack's human accomplishments but he would be embarrassed. He has always commented that he has just worked hard. At an international symposium in Australia several years ago, he received a gold medal for his work. Courtenay was with him at this ceremony (flying for 24 hours is not something I do). When people came up to her and asked her what she thought about this great honor, her reply was - " I think he deserves it, he works really hard"!!! No one will argue with that statement.
Jack's hardest job will likely lie ahead. We met today with the neuro-oncologist and oncology-radiologist at MGH. I think we startled them when they walked into rooms with all of us there with him. Thankfully, Jonathan and Megan arrived safely. Jack's pathology is stage 4 (most aggressive) glioblastoma astrocytoma - translated as arising from the astrocyte cells naturally occuring in the brain. It is inoperable, incurable. The treatment goal is to arrest the growth. They often reoccur. It is the most common form of brain tumor that exists. The first appointment was with the neuro oncologist - Dr. Plotkin - he looked and acted more lawyer like complete with a bowtie. He was all business. When I asked what the life expectancy would be without treatment -he said a few months; and with treatment - he said we don't like to answer that question at this time - he has a patient that is 4 years out. Standard treatment is 30 days (6 weeks - 5 continous days/week) for radiation coupled with Tamodar (chemotherapy - 1 pill/day for 5 days/ month for the rest of his life). Of course, they immediately started introducing us to experimental drugs options; 3 people have done one of them; 17 people another; and the other one that have had 2 or 3. Jack has not decided on the experimental drugs. Dr. Plotkin told us that we need to schedule a radiology appointment and that it would be 1-2 weeks out; that the Drs are really backed up. I immediately said - our children are in from CA until Monday - is there any chance we could have an appointment today. They said they would try - the nurse came back and asked if we could be there at 12:45 PM. It was 10:30 AM at this time. How abundantly the Lord provides the most minute details of our lives - if I don't learn anything from this experience, I hope it is this point.
We got to the radiology department. We met with Dr. Helen Shih and her resident, Dr. Patel. Both very warm and caring - much less business like. The Lord knew we needed to be embraced in the sweetness of these two. She reiterated much of what Dr. Plotkin told us. Dr. Shih pointed out to us that the goal is arrest the growth and have as few side effects as possible to maintain quality of life for Jack as long as possible. We do not know what tomorrow holds for us but we are confident in who holds tomorrow. In order for his head not to move during the 2 minutes of treatment, they made a mask for him that will hold his head in one place. Radiation begins September 14 at 9:30 AM. Tamodar will begin at the same time along with any experimental tx we may consider. We are also going to include some alternative methods as well.
I told Jack that when we married that it was for better or worse. I think we both are thinking this is the better. We are sharing so many of our feelings. Our Jonathan and Megan have decided that they are moving back to spend as much time with us as possible and support us in all ways. This is an answer to prayer. Jack had just commented on how this event might bring Jonathan closer. If anyone knows anyone is post production at advertising companies, please contact Jonathan at 323-304-8269 or jon@apelike.net. Megan is the international studies coordinator at Loyola University in LA. Ditto on Megan and a job for her.
It has been an arduous day but the Lord has sustained us through yet another beautiful day.
Carolee and Harry - I forgot to thank you for the lovely gift.
Karen, Jim, and children - thank you for the delicious dinner on Thursday evening.
You won't believe it but as of yesterday, we are out of pioneer land and back in the 21st century with running water in the kitchen - if anyone ever needs kitchen or bath updates or redo work, please contact Carole's Kitchen and Bath in Woburn at 781-933-3339 (Frank Purdy in particular or Gene Fredey)- they have bent over backwards to help us get our kitchen functional along with our Loftus Heating and Plumbing in Winchester and Bob Holbrook, our wonderful electrician - amazing efforts from these wonderful people. They were like an orchestra playing in this house yesterday. They completed their jobs in time for me to go get Megan and Jonathan.
We want to thank all of you sweet people for your love, care, compassion, and legions of prayers from around the globe. Thanks Benno for your call; thanks Ushe from Frankfurt for your call. Thanks to all of you for your reponsive emails.
I close with a quote from Job 42:1-2 - "Then Job replied to the Lord - I know that you can do all things; no plan of yours can be thwarted". Thanks be to God,
Friday, August 31, 2007
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